Balancing Cholesterol: Key Steps to Sustain Heart Health

 Optimizing Cholesterol: Strategies for Maintaining a Healthy Level

Controlling cholesterol. Every animal cell, both human and non-human, contains cholesterol. Cholesterol is important in certain cell functions and the liver produces all the cholesterol the body needs. No need to eat cholesterol in one's diet Cholesterol is found only in animal products, meat, fish, poultry, dairy products and eggs and not in plant products. Cholesterol and fat are transported around the body in protein packages called lipoproteins. Bad: Cholesterol is stored in low-density lipoproteins called Ldls that carry cholesterol through the arteries to the organs. These Ldls deposit their load through the inner walls of the arteries.

This process encourages the growth of deposits called plaque, which eventually narrow the artery wall and obstruct blood flow. This is what we call atherosclerosis. Now the good cholesterol found in high-density lipoproteins called HDLs travels back to the liver where it is discarded. People who exercise, don't smoke and stay at their ideal weight have higher HDL levels. Since the majority of cholesterol is in the form of Ldls, high blood cholesterol means high Ldl levels.

Blood cholesterol levels are affected by many factors, but people with a genetic predisposition to heart disease can also do something about their cholesterol levels. Adding soluble fiber to the diet, such as oats, barley, beans, and some fruits and vegetables, are great sources to help lower cholesterol. Maintaining your ideal weight helps raise HDL levels. Studies show that people who eat fewer meals throughout the day have lower cholesterol levels. Exercise improves overall health cholesterol levels along with relaxation techniques to reduce stress.

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