Top Tips for Back Preserving Your Spine While Traveling

 Your Spine While Traveling

What can you do to protect your back while traveling?

Whether for business or pleasure, travel is hard on your back. You spend time in uncomfortable seats and unfamiliar beds and carry heavy suitcases through airports and hotel lobbies. Well, it's time to give your back a break by learning how a healthy back travels. First, we need to lighten our baggage. We need to resist the temptation to pack everything into a carry-on suitcase or garment bag. If you want to avoid baggage checks, pack only what you can carry. It's comfortable. If you carry a garment bag or suitcase with a shoulder strap, remember to balance the load by alternating shoulders. Carrying two suitcases of roughly equal weight is an even better solution.


Be aware of body mechanics while carrying luggage. Imagine an invisible line that starts at your ear and goes past your shoulder to your hip. When the line is straight, your back is in proper balance. Use luggage carts at most major airports and train stations where they are available for a nominal charge. Push the basket with both arms and keep your elbows close to your body to avoid overstretching. Next time you shop for luggage, look for lightweight suitcases with built-in rollers. The front wheels should roll easily around corners while the rear wheels stay in place. Rubber wheels are recommended for protection against slips and skids.

Now the plane's pain beats. Airline seats as we know them are not designed for comfort. From the first class to the economy, all pastors have the same complaints. Fortunately, there are some simple adjustments you can make to protect your back for spinal support, especially for your lower back. Place an airline pillow or folded blanket at the small of your back. Be careful with your posture, especially if you want to take a nap. Use a pillow or folded blanket to support your neck.


Gentle stretching exercises can help relieve the stress of long periods. Try to stand in the aisle and walk around at least once every two hours. This will prevent those muscles from being overworked and that makes a big difference.

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